We believe that a close relationship with parents is essential to the learning of our students. Parents are welcome to observe our lessons and meet with our teachers to discuss the progress of their children. Here are the comments from parents of some of our long-time students:

Dear Headmaster,
My daughter Sharon has completed five levels of Phonics that Work at E-Smart Learning centre and has been studying Grammar with Fun for three years. After taking the phonics course, she is able to pronounce English properly and memorize the spelling of English easier, hence getting a good mark in dictation. As the courses are conducted in English, she has more opportunities to listen to and speak English and can therefore improve her English communication skill. I think this is of particular importance to students of Chinese primary schools since they are lacking this kind of training. Now Sharon is in Form One and she can adapt to the English- speaking environment quite easily after few years’ training in E-Smart Learning Centre. In view of her improvement in English, I have also enrolled my little son into the first level of Phonics that Work as early as primary one, hoping that he will benefit the most from the course at an early age.
At the eighth anniversary of the E-Smart Learning Centre, I would like to thank you and all the teachers for your love and patience in teaching the children. May I wish E-Smart Learning Centre every success in its future endeavours.
Yours truly,
Mr. & Mrs. CHEUK 
小兒 Tom Melody 不知不覺在 貴中心學習英語已經幾年了。小兒和小女有幸得到陳校長和老師們悉心的教導,英文基礎打得穩固。
陳校長熱心教育,一向以學生為重,注重學生的學業和品德;作為家長,我們非常放心讓孩子在 貴中心學習。孩子不但學到知識,而且在愉快的學習中認識很多好朋友,這使我們感到安慰!
Dear Mr. Chan,
Thank you for your e-mail. Your learning centre is very good, because my kids can learn a lot of English easily.
But I have some suggestions for the writing class. I hope teachers can explain to students their mistakes in more detail for them to make corrections.
Last, my daughters like Miss Tracy very much. They hope she will come back after her maternity leave soon.
God bless.
Jessica Choi (parent of Karen and Christine Choi)



   您好!轉瞬間我們的女兒盛潤彤在 E-Smart Learning Centre 學習英語已經八年了,她與你們的導師相處和學習已成為生活的一部份。回憶當年入讀 貴中心時,她的英文水平普普通通,經過長時間得到你們的老師教導及指引,特別在英文寫作技巧方面有十分明顯的進步,對英文語言運用增強自信心,不害怕與外國人交談,十分感謝你們。在此謹祝你們各人生活快樂及 E-Smart Learning Centre 生日快樂!


學生家長: 盛耀華、胡妙玲
